Mental Ability, Sound Judgement, Innovation, Interpersonal Tact, and Expertise
o helped plan, coordinate, and conduct the first training in the BDE for Un-stabilized Gunnery Training
o trained and certified 6 Sergeants to be Vehicle Crew Evaluators and trained 26 Junior Officers on Un-Stabilized gunnery platform live fire
o selected to be acting Platoon Sgt for an undetermined amount of time until the AGR position is filled
o utilized his expertise to create an effective lateral transfer tracker which directly led to the Squadron having less than .05% of excess equipment
o has outstanding organizational and planning skills; maximized use of limited resources and time to achieve beyond standard results
o coordinated 100% of short suspense training requirements to integrate an additional infantry battalion consisting of 602 personnel into BCT infrastructure
o NCO took charge and coordinated with other plts to synchronize and zero more than 60 MILES lasers just hours prior to start of NTC rotation
o RSO for BN M203 range qualification, resulting in a 95% qualification rate and zero injuries, accidents or incidents with 1400 rounds fired
o guided SSA to a 0% MRD rate from 34,856 MROs an GPC transactions; saved (UNIT) \$___,___ by utilizing installation free issue warehouse
o his direct leadership led SSA to receive a 100% on COMMAND INSPECTION with zero deficiencies; three Soldiers received coins of excellence for MOS proficiency
o motivated three Soldiers for removal from ABCP; brought team to zero failures
o revived once dysfunctional section; improved morale through mentorship; eight Soldiers promoted, 72 college credits, 408 correspondence hrs, 70% completed required SSD level
o pivotal in Supply Support Activity retaining a material release denial of 0% from 5,856 Marterial Release Orders and 1,930 Government Purchase Card transactions
o achieved a 98.3% course average at ALC, placing him in the top 3 in his class and earning him a place on the Commandant's List.
o capable NCO with strong potential
o professional competence responsible for two battalions winning Quarterly Excellence Award for personnel
o achieved three honor platoon awards during rating period
o authored the NeuSchwabish Community Physical Security Plan
o selected as assistant platoon sergeant over 11 other NCOs
o alerted, assembled, and deployed the company to support Operation Just Endeavor during Commander's absence
o received AAM from BN Commander for solving 12 related larcenies of government property
o General Patton highly commended his TOC operation during the recent I Corps BCTP exercise
o selected to represent the 3rd Ranger Training Battalion in the Best Ranger Competition
o awarded AAM by DC for outstanding administration of unit's NCO-ER program
o tenaciously coordinated the closure and remediation of 130 CAR deficiencies over his rating period; standardized the CAR program procedure for the Company to follow
o provided excellent critical mission support for the Defense Switch Network while sustaining services to 16,526 customers including 17 flag officers with minimal outages
o dedicated Soldier who can always be counted on and has devoted significant time and effort to developing his skills
o no-nonsense leader who instills much needed discipline throughout the BN; never backs away from a challenge and always completes the mission
o cross trained seven US Soldiers and five El Salvadorans on forming and metal re-enforcement placement, pouring, and finishing concrete during Annual Training '13
o planned, organized, and trained over 100 food service workers at Camp Shelby, MS supporting 8,000 Soldiers for deployment to OIF
o prepared the unit for the facility's semi-annual ARCENT inspection; all seven areas received 100% commendable ratings setting the standard in Detention Operations
o maintained a levelhead during times of adversity; successfully MEDEVACed two Soldiers from theater ensuring their welfare, safety, and follow-on treatment
o maintained 100% accountability of 402 lines of the BN's shop stock valued at \$636,000; extremely vital in maintaining the BN's overall 98% readiness rate
o excelled as the NCOIC of the Orderly Room; handled multiple projects and taskings that resulted in 100% mission accomplishment
o exercises strong sound judgment in dealing with occurrences that transpire during the normal course of daily operations
o coordinated and supervised the transportation of a High Risk Soldier over 3 states to multiple treatment and rehabilitation facilities without incident
o provided first aid and life saving measures to a heat stroke casualty during the MEDCOM Best Warrior Competition
o performed over 100 surgeries on four bone regeneration animal protocols with a greater than 95 percent survival rate
o extremely high professional standards that far exceeded her contemporaries
o extremely competent NCO who processed over 1000 medical transactions into MEDPROS to improve the Medical Readiness Classification from 69.97 % to 88.91%
o synchronized the consistent delivery of over 25,000 lines of medical supplies valued in excess of \$8 million
o procured an Expeditionary Deployable Oxygen Concentration System decreasing oxygen ressupply from two weeks to less than 72 hours
o increased the authorized stockage list from 334 to 430 lines of Class VIII in order to better support over 40 Battalion Aid Stations
o awarded Battalion Best Of the West and was selected to represent the Brigade for Division Best Of the West where she placed as runner up
o knowledgeable NCO who demonstrated the ability to manage numerous tasks simultaneously
o technically and tactically proficient
o knowledge, skills and abilities equal to or greater than peers and superiors
o handled extremely stressful, potentially dangerous situations during Operation Just Cause with ease
o her knowledge of Squad Leader duties/skills is sought by subordinates and peers alike
o consistently enrolled in MOS, military and civilian courses
o always prepared to take on any task given
o excels in the absence of orders and guidance
o outstanding knowledgeable and resourceful NCO
o sought self-improvement through correspondence courses
o achieved superior results when confronted with major responsibilities and limited resources
o took responsibility for mission shortfall, and enlisted 5 soldiers in three months
o section received an Excellence Rating in all departments during the USASOC Initial Command Inspection
o possessed strong technical and operational knowledge in all facets of position held; superb results filling the Maintenance Control Sergeant slot for eight months
o administered and executed a plan for turning in over \$80,000 of serviceable CLIX service and repair parts to the SSA; created a more efficient as well as a clean parts bin
o ensured Soldiers were trained on all section critical tasks which led to a 100% zero error on all monthly AMSS reports since his arrival to the section
o selected over the Senior Platoon Sergeant to serve as the acting First Sergeant by the Company Commander; nominated to take the First Sergeant position full time
o commended by the S-3 Operations SGM during CDA Inspection after inspecting his counseling packets; maintained an impressive 93% MEDPROS up-to-date rating
o platoon operated flawlessly during his brief absences; a direct reflection of his ability to develop the tactical and technical skills of his NCOs and Soldiers
o selected over four Senior NCOs to serve as a Platoon Sergeant for a platoon comprised primarily of Senior NCOs and BN Staff officers
o completed six credit hours towards her bachelors degree with a 3.0 GPA; graduated Battle Staff Non Commissioned Officers Course with a 91% course average
o maintained an operational readiness rate of 97% for over 300 pieces of ground support equipment valued over \$60,000,000
o utilized personal asset and equipment to assist in the JMRC rotation; his knowledge and experience was vital to prepare, execute, and recover for the 14-08 Saber Junction
o managed 2 NCOs and 8 Soldiers to complete 1,520 work orders and accumulated over 11,160 man hours; organizational skills assisted in well maintained fleet
o provided transportation for over 10 Airborne operations within the 5th SFG(A); enhanced Soldiers ability to maintain Airborne proficiency
o flew more than ____ combat hours during day, ___ hours during night, ___ hours using night vision goggles during this rating period
o received Air Medal award during this rating period for outstanding performance
o constantly sought self improvement; always willing to grow, learn and improve while accomplishing additional tasks in his assigned duty position
o selected over 30 other NCOs in the Battery to be BN Battle NCO; was responsible for ensuring that all Kuwaiti assests maintained continual air defense coverage
o conducted Preliminary Marksmanship Instruction which resulted in all crew members firing sharpshooter on their assigned weapon
o his vigorous study hall sessions resulted in all crew members receiving 95% on Table IV testing
o recognized by battallion as one of the best Vehicle Crew Evaluators for his tactical expertise during 10 ranges across the Division
o processed 35 transfer and reclass packets
o helped develop the transportation platoon TTPs for IEDs, RPGs, SAF and complex ambushes during JRTC Rotation 10-03 resulting in increased combat readiness
o assisted in the designing and planning of the expansion of FOB Salerno theater FARP and AHA; improved aircraft versatility and ammuntion storage capacity by 20%
o implemented and strictly enforced a fuel pilferage deterent system resulting in only 3% fuel losses from host nation fuel delivery contractors
o requested by name to act as the assistant maintenance supervisor
o his knowledge was instrumental in the accurate and timely submission of required monthly reports
o provided the technical knowledge and proficiency of SAMS-E and AMSS report to the incoming Motor Sergeant
o instrumental in mission success of the Motor Section
o selected over peers to create new WLC student database that saved over 45 man hours a month for all WLC cadre; greatly increased productivity in section
o received 98% superior ratings on all monthly instructor evaluations; due to his excellent teaching methods and competence
o selected above 20 of his fellow NCO's to serve as the 324th ESB's JNN Validation NCO at Fort Bliss to prepare the unit for deployment to Afghanistan
o maintained communications of COB Adder and FOB Echo, Iraq with 98% reliability in support of OND 11
o maintained a 92% operational readiness rate of all equipment within the battalion in support of OIF 09-10, valued in excess of \$2,000,000
o pivotal to unit's success in coordinating FBCB2/BFT vehicle installs and two software upgrades with 100% success rate
o understood subordinate actions as a reflection of his leadership; consistently analyzed personal actions to ensure a good example was set
o reduced Arms Room shortages in COEI/BII by over \$120,000 through accurate tracking and tenacious acquisitions
o completed Phase II and III of 12N ALC with a combined average of 92.82%
o incorporated a highly improved administrative processing system; effectively streamlined over 540 Soldier actions
o completed six semester hours of college toward his bachelors degree; maintained a 3.8 GPA
o provided critical insight to the command during the company restructure; maintained morale and discipline despite turmoil
o technically proficient Instructor; successfully instructed and graduated four 92m10 courses with an overall GPA of 92.3%
o completed 31 credit hours towards a Bachelors degree in Education; maintained a 3.3 GPA
o completed 150 resident military education hours and implemented that knowledge into his classroom
o improvised to meet shipping deadline; coordinated with sister unit for resource sharing; adopted as new shop procedure
o brought innovation to equipment room; reorganized, doubled storage capacity without sacrificing equipment care
o identified lack of shielding as cause of intermittent failure; corrected chronic problem and saved thousands in repair parts and time
o maximized the use of automation to reduce workload and delays; new procedures adapted by the entire unit for admin processing
o organized internal command maintenance program resulting in a 98% operational readiness rate for all team assigned equipment
o expert SARSS technician; identified and solved system and software errors that would have impaired SSA operations and mission execution
o implemented a proactive program to reduce tool shortages; over 900 man hours saved in six month period
o used tact and diplomacy when briefing Joint Service, Host Nation and Foreign Dignitaries while deployed; increased opportunities for cooperative training