Senior Rater Comments

Senior Rater comments on overall performance during the reporting period.


Demonstrated exceptional strength in his ability to communicate the needs of EDSC. Has demonstrated willingness to juggle multiple responsibilities and has delivered significant and positive results. Is extremely reliable in meeting schedules and deadlines.

SFC Stoney is the #2 of 6 highly talented Platoon Sergeants in my company and among the top 5% of NCOs that I have known in my 15 year career. Excellent organizational skills and leader with potential for key leadership position; select for promotion to MSG now and send to MLC immediately. SFC Stoney will be a distinguished senior leader in the Regiment in the future.

SGT DODO is a talented NCO and serves with extreme pride but is hindered by his duty performance. He should complete the next level SSD and attend ALC to attain more leadership skills. SGT DODO will be able to handle additional responsibility after some mentorship and training. He should be retained in the Alabama National Guard.

SFC Super has contributed immeasurably to the success of the Fort Chaffee Logistics training year 2016. He exceeded all expectations of leadership, filling the void of multiple full time vacancies. SFC Super lead his section and the post's logistical effort to success. Promote this NCO ahead of his peers.

SFC Super has the leadership ability to facilitate the maximum potential from junior enlisted Soldiers and NCOs within his assigned section. He maintains exceptional organizational skills which consistently keeps his section ahead of schedule on training and administrative requirements. SFC Super has completed all required military schools and should be considered for promotion ahead of peers.

1SG Auble is in the top third of Noncommissioned Officers I have Served with in my 30 years. 1SG Auble's unwavering dedication to his Paratroopers clearly sets him apart. Displayed potential and demonstrated ability to excel. Consider for promotion to Sergeant Major and attendance at USASMA with peers.

#1 1SG in the Battalion. Promote him to Sergeant Major now and send to the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy immediately. He has unlimited potential for positions of increasing responsibility and will make an extraordinary Command Sergeant Major.

SFC C is in the Top 5% of E7s in the BN and has been an excellent acting 1SG. Her NCO Soldier skills, people skills, and technical expertise combine to make her an outstanding and hardworking NCO. SFC C has unlimited potential and is clearly capable of serving with distinction in the most demanding and critical assignments. Promote to MSG now, send to MLC & 1SG's course and assign as a 1SG immediately.

SGT M is a dedicated NCO who is passionate about the growth and success of the NCO Corps. He is an outside the box thinker with unlimited potential and is currently number one of the three NCOs I rate of this grade. Continue to place in positions of higher responsibility, send to ALC and promote with peers.

An outstanding team member who has demonstrated potential for positions of increased responsibility. Junior Soldiers will benefit from his experience and motivation to excel at any mission. Continuously displayed unequaled standards and discipline; place in a position that takes advantage of his potential and his ability to lead and mentor fellow NCOs and Soldiers. Recommend he be challenged with greater responsibilities and promoted as soon as he is eligible. Unlimited potential; clearly an exceptional Noncommissioned Officer.

His commitment to the organization and willingness to assume additional responsibilities beyond his purview demonstrates his exceptional potential for advancement. Send this NCO to ALC and promote with peers.

SFC XXXX is the #1 NCOIC that I have served with in over 18 years of active duty. His ability to simplify complex problems and develop young leaders is exceptional. Promote ahead of peers, continue to place in positions of greater responsibility, and send to Master Leader Course at earliest opportunity. SFC XXXX is a future Sergeant Major.

SSG XXXX is a stellar NCO who will make an outstanding SFC. He is the #1 Staff Sergeant I currently Senior Rate. SSG XXXX is a highly intelligent NCO who demonstrates potential to excel with continued grooming for increased responsibility. Send to SLC and promote to SFC when possible.

1SG Torres' potential as a Senior NCO is immeasurable and is in the top 10% of First Sergeants that I have rated in a 20 year career. He has the work ethic, contagious energy, and passion to serve our Troopers, Families, and the Army at the highest levels. A future CSM; Promote below the zone and send to the USASMA Course immediately.

SFC Ledoux continues to demonstrate exceptional potential as an NCO and leader. Select for senior leadership schools as soon as possible and assign to positions of greater responsibility ahead of peers. SFC Ledoux displays potential daily as a future 1SG through his actions and dedication to the mission.

Performs at expected levels. Send to Senior Leaders course when slots are available. Promote to SFC with peers.

SSG Davis is a hard working Soldier who performs all duties in a conscientious manner and learns from shortfalls. He consistently participates in all tasks and his willingness to accept added responsibility shows true dedication to the Commanders intent, Unit mission, and Army plan.

SSG ******'s potential to excel in positions of greater responsibility is higher than most. His dedication to the organization and willingness to step in and take on additional training requirements are duly noted. Challenging this Soldier to use his vast knowledge will make him thrive as an NCO. SSG ****** should be promoted at the first opportunity.

Outstanding performance by a total professional and true expert in Information Management. Absolutely reliable/dependable, runs his lane, needs no guidance/supervision.

Easily handles the myriad of critical tasks associated with Garrison IT Operations. Responsible for a huge/complex lane of multiple functions ranging from LCM to APMS.

Hard charging/dedicated performer and tremendous asset to our Garrison.

Unlimited potential to serve/succeed in positions of greater responsibility.

First Sergeant Smith is a capable Truck Master whose knowledge of Transportation has been invaluable in training new personnel and handling operations. First Sergeant Smith has unlimited potential and has demonstrated exceptional Soldier Care. With further mentorship and training, he may be ready for Sergeant Major.

SSG Smith's knowledge of USAREUR and ARCENT operating procedures has been invaluable in training new personnel and handling joint operational requirements. In addition to his post as Container Manager for Camp Striker and FOB Cropper, his duties included sending weekly census reports, tracking anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 U.S. and coalition service members. His meticulous accounting and accuracy were repeatedly recognized by Garrison Command. He is highly recommended for selection to Sergeant First Class.

Sergeant Anderson is the most conscientious and dedicated Soldier I've served with in 11 years. He oversaw two brigade-size turn-ins during NTC rotations prior to an Iraq deployment and achieved recognition for best supply room in 10th MT Division. Promote to Staff Sergeant Now.

Sergeant Harris possesses a strong record of credibility, loyalty and achievement. He provided pre-mobilization training for over 2,000 Soldiers and aided multiple unit supply sergeants. He is a selfless team player. Promote now to Staff Sergeant!

SSG Schroeder ranks #1 of 9 Staff Sergeants in the company. His maturity, discipline, and professionalism have positively affected the company. Promote to Sergeant First Class immediately and send to the Senior Leaders Course at the earliest opportunity.

SGT Young ranks #1 of 13 Sergeants I senior rate. Unlimited potential; consistently demonstrated the ability to perform at the level and will undoubtedly excel in his career. Promote ahead of peers and send to next available ALC course.

SGT Gregory is a positive and determined NCO that exceeds the standard when performing given operational tasks. With further cultivation and leadership experience, SGT Gregory has great potential to develop his leadership skills and contribute tremendously to any assigned organization. Consider for next primary military education opportunity immediately. (Needs Improvement)

SFC Snowden is an exceptional NCO who is ready for the next level of leadership. Her ability to solve complex problems and lead Soldiers make her an asset to any organization she is a part of. Promote to MSG now and place as a 1SG.

1SG _______ ranks #1 of 3 Master Sergeants that I senior rate. Unlimited potential. Select for promotion now and send to the United States Army Sergeant Major Academy immediately. Absolutely a future Battalion Sergeant Major.

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